Abby Lockhart, MD & RN
All I Want by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Elizabeth's secret wish is granted. Warnings: BDSM, anal sex Kerry/Elizabeth/Abby NC17
A Matter of... by Shatterpath .. Kerry has moved on and is discovering things about herself and Sandy, as well as a familiar face. (written before 'River in Egypt'!) Contains spoilers for most of Season 8. Warning: This story deals with triad relationships, not just the normal pairing. [PG13 - NC17] Note: This story is an H(SR)MS.
- ER Series by Caeliste .. Sometimes the past and present catch up with you at the same time. Abby/Kerry R - NC17 Warnings: Slight BDSM.
- Fever Dreaming by Mosca .. A real love triangle is not either/or but both/and. NC-17
- Fuck Buddies by Debbie .. Abby talks to the wind about her relationship with Kerry. Kerry/Abby PG
Loose Ends by Nia .. "You don't know what to do with your hands again, whether you should touch her or just unlock the car door--but she knows, she knows what she wants, she pulls you close and your hands hook into her belt loops for balance, just like that." Abby/Susan R
- Repercussions by meesh .. Consequences and confrontations... Sequel: to "Revelations." PG Spoilers: for Season 9's "Finders Keepers."
- Revelations by meesh .. What started out as comfort changed... PG Spoilers: for Season 9's "No Strings Attached."
- Revised Plans by Amber .. Kerry & Abby get to know each other, courtesy of an out of town conference. PG
- Sad Tidings Then Cheer by snowpenguin545 .. Kerry/Abby PG13
- Smoke Break by snowpenguin545 .. Kerry/Abby R
Starting Over by A. Magiluna Stormwriter .. Sara’s decided to fill in the CSIs on her career change. Crossover: CSI / ER Sara PG13
- Unrequited Love by meesh .. Jing-Mei observes the one thing she knows she can't have. PG